Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I'm home for 2 weeks. It's been 5 days and already I feel more "complete". There's nothing like being around people that have known you for a long time. The relationship you unknowingly worked on through the years pays off when you renew it year after year. This is what it is like to be an adult. Your life is your own and relationships become work instead of a natural day to day action.

When I moved to LA it was in kind of  haste to move on with my career. I got there, focused on my work for 6 months and made little effort to pursue hobbies and make friends. When I couldn't take it any more I joined Bikerowave and my world opened up quickly. I started hanging out more with friends of friends, cousins and work friends. Half the world doesn't know what they want to do with their life, so they get stuck doing something unfulfilling. I always wondered how they found balance or motivation to keep doing what they do. The answer? Friends. Be friends a distraction or support, they help you get through your stressful day. They provide perspective, laughs, and a mental get away. Since being more on my own in LA I've realized that I think more about myself because I'm used to being alone and having to worry about myself. Felt selfish. The past few months my life had become so routine, so set up. Every day had a set amount of chores or events. But being in Houston, having to consider others in my life now, waiting on them, taking care of them. The last 5 days have gone by so fast. 

Anyway my point is that I've been trying to work on so many things in the past year: cycling, yoga, Spanish, career, drawing, and cooking. I felt like gaining skills was something I really needed to do, but now I see that I have neglected the relationships. I need to include more people in my life. People and the relationships you create are what make you feel alive. They vary your days. They make you feel angry, sad, happy, content. They make you feel. They need your help and you need theirs. 

This year I'm going to work on my relationships.
Happy New Year friends. 

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