Also this week is supposedly the week that I get my bike. I put in my down payment in Jan and I've been waiting since...granted they told me it would be here Mid Feb...then a shipment came and no FP2...then they said Mid March...well it's mid March. Where the hell is my bike!?!? I've been annoyingly probing Ron and Josh for the past two weeks. Ron has been kind and helpful, but I feel like Josh is just avoiding me. Just TELL me what's going on! I know some of it is out of your control, but keep me in the loop geez. This has been a large source of anxiety for me since I got my Scott stolen. I feel like I'm living with a large benign tumor, and now I'm just waiting for the doctor to say he has time to cut it out of me. Ugh.
After work I forced away all the sleepy feelings and caught a "Power Flex" class with Rodger. This is the guy that did the step class I attended a few weeks ago...uh oh...haha. Again it was pretty continuous and hard. I picked heavy weights and so had to rest more often, but he just went through set after set after set. I got a lot of arm work done, which is good cause I usually neglect that. After THAT I went to Hip Hop.
Now I'm listening to some good music my little bro showed me. It's calming me down. EShinMusic Check him out.
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