This morning I got up at 430am to go run Angie's Half Crazy. grumble. WHY did I sign up for a race that starts at 7am that is an hrs drive away? Never again. Well, probably again sometime, but next time I will convince other people to go with me. It would have been more fun that way.
Anyway, I am proud to say that I was able to run the whole time! Save for a few Gatorade stops. Before today I'd never run more than 3 miles without walking. I think it was easy this time because there were so many people around me and I could pace with them which helped A LOT.
So my run was like this:
Mile 2 - agh I want to be done already! why did I sign up for this?
Mile 4 - ok time to pop in the music and clear my head.
Mile 6 - hey I think I actually like running, this is pretty cool
Mile 8 - knee painnnnn, running sucks!
Mile 9 - Hip pain, aaarggg
Mile 10 - OK! only 5k more to go!
Mile 12 - where is the finish!? I want to finish! go body go!
Mile 13.1 - yay! where's the food?
I haven't seen the results, but I think I finished around 2hrs and 17 mins. Slow but steady.
After that I came home, ate lots of pasta and called up Phillip to go riding. I didn't get any real time to be on my bike yesterday cause of the rain and other things I had to do. So I really wanted to get in some time to figure out what needed to be adjusted before the MS150. I went about 27 miles at a 13mph avg pace. Now I'm tired as hell. and my butt is sore.
Need to adjust my cleats, and the arch is slightly off and is getting to me. also need a shorter stem. being on the bars is good, but being in the hoods is a reach.
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