So the whole fam met up in DC for some quality time together over Xmas. Since we were heading for the cold, I decided to bring my board and take the brothers for some pow pow time. Our Jersey friend was joining us, so we headed for the closets mountain between us, Liberty. I think it was somewhere between 400 and 600 ft tall with about 10 open runs and a small park. Most of the time was spend teaching the youngest sibling to heel and toe properly. He eventually got to a toe to heel turn, but by then it was the end of the day and weariness was taking over. Simultaneously I was try to get the oldest sibling to master the heel to toe turn.
Eventually I got to steal a few runs with Jersey friend Dan who was better than all of us combined and went to the park to try some boxes and jumps. Needless to say it was Box: 1, Mink: 0. No attempts jumps yet.